Saturday, December 8, 2007

A Few More Images of Our Puppies

Zoey and The Jax Man


Struggling Parents said...

So cute, I use to breed pugs...such cute dogs...;)

Chelle Blögger said...

haha I have two boxers at my feet right now. Brutus (brindle) and Mischa (fawn). They are 9 and 7 months old and just THE greatest dogs in the world (with the exception of yours, of course!)


Unknown said...

My daughter has a white boxer, Toby, who is 1-1/2 years old. I have taken care of him often during his puppyhood, and love him dearly. He had some health issues when he was a few months old, and I think I bonded with him more because of all the worry we went through. Anyway, he is the sweetest!! Now, whenever I look at any boxer I fall in love --

mysteryghost said...

I love both the dogs, but The Jax Man is my fav at the moment.